Tuesday 26 January 2016

How to make a flyer stand out?

Printed material is great for advertising a product or marketing the same. Small and handy flyers can make a great visual impact. In the world of marketing anything that influences the mind is considered most important. Flyers are used for advertising the opening of trade fairs, stores, schools, or any new service. They can be slipped inside newspapers and not many people will fail to notice the message they carry.

To make the flyers more saleable and increase their demand as well as effectiveness proper designing, writing, and flyer printing is most important. Some basic principles should be followed while designing one.

• Grab attention:

The flyer should makes use of design, color, and graphics that not just convey the message but also make it attractive enough to prompt anyone to read it. Simplicity in design and concept can make it easy to understand and appreciate.

• Don’t beat about the bush:

A direct message or solution offered is what people look forward to. Make the purpose of the product clear and list its features along with the pros and cons. Use plain English rather than technical jargon.

• Be direct:

Try to get your message across in as few words as possible. Long lines can be terribly boring for most people. Use short sentences and bullet points to catch attention and communicate only the basic essence of the matter. It makes the flyer easy to read and take into your mind only the most essential message.

• Prevent information overload:

Too much information on a single page can be mindboggling, not to mention an eyesore. Just mention the basic time, date and venue and direct customers. This single line can streamline the design and increase appeal.

• Take a friendly approach:

The tone of the cheap flyer printing should be friendly and natural in order to attract the attention of the people. It makes the business approachable and is useful for start-ups.

• Flyers with call to action:

Encouraging the customers to make a call or get registered is finally the purpose of printing and handing out the flyers. Do not forget to include the contact details so that interested people can reach out if they have a query. It helps to build a relation between the advertiser and the prospective client which can convert to a sale later, if not immediately.

• Use of colors:

A brightly colored flyer is attractive but it is best to use not more than three colors while affordable flyer printing. Less color reduces the printing cost and makes the design easy on the eyes.

Bringing all these facets of flyer designing in a single piece of work can make it awesome and more effective. It will also save on the printing cost yet bring in loads of customers.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Why Printing Services Are Essential For Growth of Business

Printing has always been an important part of any business because most of the information and product details create greater impact when they are viewed and held in hand. Even though digital media has occupied a part of the business it cannot completely do away with the print industry. Survey shows that printed media still occupies a significant part of the industry. This is because it offers certain benefits that are unavailable elsewhere.

• Printed matter is tangible:

Newspapers, brochures, or magazines create a deeper impression because they can be held in the hand. They may occupy some space but the comfort of sitting in a relaxed way and perusing through one is simple and extraordinary.

• Greater engagement:

Printed matter can engage a person for a longer time and people tend to read it much faster than an online version of the same.

• More credibility:

Digital matter contains multiple ads and pop ups which can be very distracting to the reader. In printed matter, the advertisements do not present any imminent ads and hence the credibility is greater.
Thus by offering more visibility, credibility and reader engagement printing services have undoubtedly created its own niche in the business world. Over the years the variety in the services offered has also increased and for the interested client the choices are numerous.
• You can opt for different types of printing like color, online printing, wide format, litho, and many more.
• Get better designs and fonts with better service providers.
• With custom printing services, you can get products according to your requirement as well as budget which increase the profitability in your business.

• Brochures

Printing services find use in advertising the products in a business. Therefore you can print brochures in various shapes and sizes with product descriptions. Select the quality of the pages and design according to your budget. A comprehensive one can give the product proper exposure.

• Catalogue

Printed catalogues offer a gist of the products and services offered along with information on discounts. Appropriate pictures and designs help to pack in a lot of information in them.

• Business cards

Visiting cards or business cards are the best tools of branding which is necessary for expanding any business. Well-designed ones can create the right impression and help in business meetings. The printing cost is not much either which is why business cards will not become a thing of the past in the near future.
Printing services have a bright future in the years to come but the service provider should be chosen properly. Quality printing that is delivered within deadline is extremely important. The cost factor should not be undermined and clients should ensure that they get their money’s worth.