Friday 23 October 2015

4 Reasons Business Cards Matter in the Digital Age

In today’s age of digital technology the internet has encompassed almost every aspect of an individual’s life. Businesses are said to be done over the internet, webinars are being organised and people chat for long periods without meeting face-to-face. In spite of all this there is one thing related to your business that will never cease to exist and that is your business card.
4 Reasons Business Cards Matter in the Digital Age

Reasons for the popularity of Business Cards

There are several reasons for the business card to still hold a place of importance in today’s times and they are as follows:

1. Lend a personal touch to exchange of contact information

It is said first impressions make for lasting impressions and these can happen in business only if Cards are valuable marketing aids as they help in making impromptu business connections at any place you desire. Digital media aids though helpful in following prospects are not as retaining as the two individuals meet face-to-face. Real relationships cannot be formed by exchanging contact information over email or a telephone call or a long chat on the internet. To enable significant memories to be formed which eventually determine effective networking, it is essential that you swap contact information through business cards.

2. Leading marketing tool

None can replace the business card which acts as one of the primary marketing tools. There is nothing like a one-on-one meeting which is sealed by the exchange of business cards. Also, the possibilities of random meetings with potential customers cannot be ruled out. At such times, these business card.

3. Lasting impressions are formed

A business card is the face of your business and the type of card flashed by you creates the first and lasting impression of your brand. A business card tells a lot about your brand and the better your business card the greater is its effect. Custom business card printing is therefore popularly resorted to by most business owners.

4. Continuous marketing of your product and services

A business card is in a physical printed form and stays with the prospect for long times to come. If the business card has all the requisite features in getting your message across then it will be shared by the prospect with other people who may be interested in what you do. This aids in continued marketing of your brand.

It can be easily said that being prepared for any chance business encounter by having a stock of business cards on you is always a wise decision. And taking the help of technology by resorting to online business card printing or online visiting card printing is still a wiser decision. The world may have gone further as far as technological advancements are concerned but the business cards will continue to matter in this digital age for many more years to come.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

The 3D Printing is Changing the Future of Business

The 3D printing technology has been around for many years but it is only in recent times that the change has caught the fancy of all business owners; big and small. And why not? With this technology finding its way into so many applications it is no wonder that every business wants to jump onto the bandwagon of this form of digital printing to reap the benefits.
digital printing, online printing, 3D printing, printing services

Growing Popularity of 3D Printing

Earlier the use of this form of printing was mainly restricted to large companies and engineering professionals to create prototypes fast and quick. However, improvements in technology led to its high profitability and cost-effectiveness making it easily accessible to small businesses as well. More and more companies are today investigating into the possibilities of using the 3D technology in their business for expecting more gains. No matter the size of your business, this technology is bound to find a use some way or the other.
Health care sector has found several life-saving applications at reduced costs by use of this technology which has also wound its way into the working of the NASA. The immeasurable fascination held by kids and likewise adults for fabricating items with its software is another point that goes to increase its popularity.

3D Technology Changes the Face of Common Items

The 3D technology is being increasingly used to add a creative element to common place items and make them more effective. It can be used in several aspects of your business starting with your business card. Common forms of business cards are made more interesting and eye-catching by getting them customized through 3D printing. Business cards are great conversation starters and if they are impactful then they go a long way in creating valuable business connections.
Another place where this technology is effective is in the context of teaching aids. In certain branches of knowledge the concepts can be explained better by the use of prototypes or models. Data structures can be created to physically represent statistical data.
Cost effectiveness of creating prototypes in the designer jewellery business is another reason for this technology to become widely used here. Producing new designs at lowered costs with the help of 3D printing has removed the budget constraints faced by the manufacturer for making the earlier wax prototypes.

Futuristic World of 3D Technology

There is no doubt that this technology is changing the way things are being made in several organizations. Soon there will come a time when direct digital manufacturing will enable the goods to be produced at point of use. In addition, the revolution that will be brought through 3D bio-printing in the field of health-care is unthinkable. In short, every business is going to find a use for this technology in the years to come.