Wednesday 23 December 2015

5 Tips for Promotional Calendars Printing

With the year 2015 coming to an end, business firms and companies can make best use of this time by a handy marketing tool- which is printing promotional calendars. It can provide an edge over any other form of advertising strategies, making your brand image visible to customers for 365 days of the year! With more innovations around the corner with the availability of online printing services, one can have this job done through the design of personalized calendar online.

What should be the handy tips one needs to keep in mind while printing calendars to spread one ’s brand image? Here is an overview of these:

  1. Theme
    Firstly one has to decide on the theme of the calendar. The overall layout should be relevant as well as attractive. It should go along with the brand image, while making it pleasant for the customers. Feedback from colleagues can be helpful in this regard. One can accordingly decide the number of pages for the calendar, i.e. it can be one month on each page, or quarterly with 3 months in a page or even a single page calendar with 12 months in a page. However, it is preferred as well as advised that business associates choose a 12 page calendar, which would help to convey their messages in a better way with variety features and not appear monotonous.
  2. Using images properly
    Calendar printing online can provide one the option to customize and make a choice among a range of design features and use high quality images. An online printer can be helpful in this regard in suggesting proper use of images according to the theme and brand. Too many images can create a cluttered appearance; here some advice can be sought from expert online printers.
  3. Brand portfolio
    Since the ultimate motive is to promote one ’s brand, the calendar can be used as a portfolio. So if you are planning calendars printing for 2016, it is the perfect opportunity to showcase your range of products or services you offer. Here the images used in the calendar can be wisely chosen for advertising of your goods and at the same time you can also include upcoming events, offers and sales, which would help in promoting the brand.
  4. Promoting Brand logo
    Every page of the calendar should include the image of brand logo. However, it should not be over the top but subtly and skilfully included in each page of the calendar. Here the online printer can provide many solutions for the perfect design. A catchy message can also be incorporated to match the theme for each month and make it fun and appealing for the customer.
  5. Functionality
    Whatever style or design is adopted for the calendar, it should always be kept in mind that the calendar remains functional while appearing unique. Ultimately it should serve the purpose, which is providing a clear and easy view of the date while providing a pleasant view.

In India, many online printing services have come up recently. So getting your calendar printing in India is easy and hassle free. However, it is best to select your printing service provider after checking quality and service.

Monday 14 December 2015

Top 5 Benefits of printing customised diaries for your company

Companies and business firms have a grand opportunity to reconnect with their clients in the year end by planning to print customized diaries for them.If you are looking forward to promote your brand and presenting it to your clients on a daily basis, then these personalized diaries are one of the best ways to do it. Nowadays, you can get multitude of printing options from online printers and can opt to print diary.

So what are the pros of using diaries as a promotional feature? There are plenty, let us see the top five advantages:

  1. It is useful
    A diary is a useful item. Your customer will use it for the entire year and in the process, be exposed to your brand on a regular basis. Your brand image will be visible to them every time they use the diary for taking down notes, appointments, etc or taking a peek into their scheduled events, holidays and others.
  2. Better customer connection
    The significant part is that the personalised diary is more effective than other promotional advertisements. Printed ads, pamphlets can be disposed and ads on TV can be ignored. For diaries, a person will attend to it since it has a utility and this will help you to connect them with your brand.
  3. Creates a lasting impression
    An aesthetically or creatively designed diary incorporating the theme of your company is great in leaving a lasting impression on the client. After all, the aim of any such strategy is to make a pleasant connection with your customers and showcase your brand. An online printer can provide wide scope to choose a proper design for such purpose. Currently it is easy to print personalized diary online in India with experienced and expert online printing services.
  4. Physical feel and promotes loyalty
    Many among us appreciate tangible forms of brand promotions with a pleasing look and feel.Customised diaries specially serve this purpose. Adding to this, the usefulness of the diaries makes them a valued asset which your customers would keep with themselves and at the same time their loyalty to your company will enhance.
  5. Creates a sense of reward
    Diaries gifted to your customers will make them happy as they will receive it as a reward. Everybody loves receiving free gifts and offers, and gifting diaries to them will definitely please them.

So we can see that it is quite sensible to use customized diaries to boost your company’s publicity and it is also an effective marketing strategy. Expert online printers can leverage your plans to reach out to your clients in the best possible way in this regard. Printing customized diary in India has got easier, faster and better with printers!

Thursday 26 November 2015

Top 10 Benefits of Using Online Printing

Top 10 Benefits of Using Online Printing
Traditional brick-and-mortar printing services are facing competition from online printing services as the latter has made printing jobs easy. People  who have printing requirements often have to make several trips to the printing press to monitor their job’s progress and visiting the press for the job itself implies that it takes up a lot of time. This is where the availability of online printing companies makes a difference. There is a lot of convenience involved in working with printing companies online.Let’s see the pros of using web based printing services:

  1. Firstly, online printing saves time and energy. This company can provide an array of services ranging from cards, brochures, banners, catalogues and endless number of solutions which can chosen from the website.
  2. Digital printing company provides the scope of upload your designs. An expert online printer can also work upon existing brand logos, designs and provide improvisations as needed.
  3. There is greater scope to get the printing done in a customized manner. Online printers offer options for personalized services where one can choose his or her own requirements.
  4. Opting for an online printer, one may sit back anywhere and browse through the internet that provides various online printers that can be compared based on their services and expenses. The best ones will have quality services, high customer satisfaction and positive reviews and feedback's. Often these online services are cheaper than the printing press.
  5. Many online printers have no time restrictions, working 24 hours a day. They may provide weekend services and one may not have to squeeze out time during office hours to visit the press. The time flexibility that is offered is a great advantage.
  6. Online services imply that the order can be placed from anywhere provided one has a device with an internet access. There is no need to run to the printing office to place the order. One simply fills up a form, browses through the available options and set’s the deadline. It is easy on the budget and efficient for any company.
  7. To maximize customer satisfaction, online printers provide prompt delivery services. They may even provide deliveries before the deadlines. These printers want to ensure that they earn reputation through customer satisfaction so that they can increase their customer base.
  8. As already mentioned, printing through online services means cutting on expenses. There are options of using printing discounts, offers and coupons to reduce costs. Rates can be compared among different companies and a suitable website offering discounts can be chosen after a background check on their service quality.
  9. In a competitive space, online printers have to maintain a good customer service. There are provisions for real time inquiries along with emails and phone numbers for most of them.
  10. Online ordering for printing also enables the customer to track their order supply. There is minimal chance of lose or damage of the print material.
However before choosing any online printing service, one should check its transparency in procedures, quality of products, pricing, variety and delivery services. If chosen properly, this can be effectively advantageous.

Friday 20 November 2015

How Catalogue Printing Can Help You to Increase Your Sales?

Catalogues are one of the marketing strategies that educate potential customers about their products by conveying the whole picture of what a brand is offering. Catalogues are a distinct tool for any business to convey the customers all the information they need besides publicising their products or services. The success of such marketing campaigns is directly related to the choice of catalogue printing services. Though marketing in the electronic media is on the high these days, catalogues are still a better option to connect with people. Let us see how catalogue printing can up one’s sales:
catalogue printing online.

  1. Catalogues are different from simple advertisements. The catalogues themselves publicize for whatever they are intended and in addition provides detailed information about the products and services- the variants, costs, ranges, packages, and additional information about the brands.
  2. Catalogue printing is cheaper than advertising in the electronic or print media. Added to that it helps in building brand image with a wider scope for communication with the customer. It is therefore essential to choose better company for catalogue printing online.
  3. Catalogues help to create a consolidated identity for the brand. A catalogue designed skilfully with themes, colours and designs reinforcing the brand logo and taglines enhances consumer connect.
  4. It can help in outcompeting others in business by preparing catalogues that mentions of their business. It gives a competitive edge when catalogues are designed wisely.
  5. It is wise to combine different channels of marketing to yield best results. For this instance, catalogue printing along with advertising in digital and mass media can help a brand gain maximum publicity.
  6. Catalogues may run for a short period of time but they leave a lasting impression. The hard copy lying around even after promotions have been completed can continue to create awareness among public and keep open the lines of communication by which the company can be approached.
  7. Catalogues help a brand to make promos in an organized manner. The preparation of a catalogue involves planning beforehand as the content provided in the catalogue is very important to create consumer connect. Also catalogues for special occasions like seasonal festivities, brand anniversaries, etc can further enhance appeals.
  8. Though digital marketing is the new generation of advertising, there are people who would prefer a non-virtual medium for knowing a product or service. Printed catalogues having good paper quality and an engaging content can be preferred to be carried along instead of logging into the internet.
  9. Catalogues can expand the reach of a brand to several clients as it can be shared among acquaintances, made available at marketplaces & etc.
  10. Catalogues can attract business partnerships. Organizations may learn about a firm through its catalogues and show interest in getting into deals.

All these definitely say that catalogue printing is still one of the better ways of marketing. Most business can use this tool as an effective marketing device.

Friday 23 October 2015

4 Reasons Business Cards Matter in the Digital Age

In today’s age of digital technology the internet has encompassed almost every aspect of an individual’s life. Businesses are said to be done over the internet, webinars are being organised and people chat for long periods without meeting face-to-face. In spite of all this there is one thing related to your business that will never cease to exist and that is your business card.
4 Reasons Business Cards Matter in the Digital Age

Reasons for the popularity of Business Cards

There are several reasons for the business card to still hold a place of importance in today’s times and they are as follows:

1. Lend a personal touch to exchange of contact information

It is said first impressions make for lasting impressions and these can happen in business only if Cards are valuable marketing aids as they help in making impromptu business connections at any place you desire. Digital media aids though helpful in following prospects are not as retaining as the two individuals meet face-to-face. Real relationships cannot be formed by exchanging contact information over email or a telephone call or a long chat on the internet. To enable significant memories to be formed which eventually determine effective networking, it is essential that you swap contact information through business cards.

2. Leading marketing tool

None can replace the business card which acts as one of the primary marketing tools. There is nothing like a one-on-one meeting which is sealed by the exchange of business cards. Also, the possibilities of random meetings with potential customers cannot be ruled out. At such times, these business card.

3. Lasting impressions are formed

A business card is the face of your business and the type of card flashed by you creates the first and lasting impression of your brand. A business card tells a lot about your brand and the better your business card the greater is its effect. Custom business card printing is therefore popularly resorted to by most business owners.

4. Continuous marketing of your product and services

A business card is in a physical printed form and stays with the prospect for long times to come. If the business card has all the requisite features in getting your message across then it will be shared by the prospect with other people who may be interested in what you do. This aids in continued marketing of your brand.

It can be easily said that being prepared for any chance business encounter by having a stock of business cards on you is always a wise decision. And taking the help of technology by resorting to online business card printing or online visiting card printing is still a wiser decision. The world may have gone further as far as technological advancements are concerned but the business cards will continue to matter in this digital age for many more years to come.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

The 3D Printing is Changing the Future of Business

The 3D printing technology has been around for many years but it is only in recent times that the change has caught the fancy of all business owners; big and small. And why not? With this technology finding its way into so many applications it is no wonder that every business wants to jump onto the bandwagon of this form of digital printing to reap the benefits.
digital printing, online printing, 3D printing, printing services

Growing Popularity of 3D Printing

Earlier the use of this form of printing was mainly restricted to large companies and engineering professionals to create prototypes fast and quick. However, improvements in technology led to its high profitability and cost-effectiveness making it easily accessible to small businesses as well. More and more companies are today investigating into the possibilities of using the 3D technology in their business for expecting more gains. No matter the size of your business, this technology is bound to find a use some way or the other.
Health care sector has found several life-saving applications at reduced costs by use of this technology which has also wound its way into the working of the NASA. The immeasurable fascination held by kids and likewise adults for fabricating items with its software is another point that goes to increase its popularity.

3D Technology Changes the Face of Common Items

The 3D technology is being increasingly used to add a creative element to common place items and make them more effective. It can be used in several aspects of your business starting with your business card. Common forms of business cards are made more interesting and eye-catching by getting them customized through 3D printing. Business cards are great conversation starters and if they are impactful then they go a long way in creating valuable business connections.
Another place where this technology is effective is in the context of teaching aids. In certain branches of knowledge the concepts can be explained better by the use of prototypes or models. Data structures can be created to physically represent statistical data.
Cost effectiveness of creating prototypes in the designer jewellery business is another reason for this technology to become widely used here. Producing new designs at lowered costs with the help of 3D printing has removed the budget constraints faced by the manufacturer for making the earlier wax prototypes.

Futuristic World of 3D Technology

There is no doubt that this technology is changing the way things are being made in several organizations. Soon there will come a time when direct digital manufacturing will enable the goods to be produced at point of use. In addition, the revolution that will be brought through 3D bio-printing in the field of health-care is unthinkable. In short, every business is going to find a use for this technology in the years to come.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

10 Tips for Choosing the Right Banner Printing Company

Banners are the most effective tools of business promotion. They help in getting your message across to a large audience who may have gathered for a trade show, exhibition or even at showrooms, stores, restaurants or street corners. However, for the banners to be appealing and attractive, it is essential for you to get them done from the right banner printing company.

Following are 10 characteristics of a good banner printing company which can be kept in mind so that you will select the right one:

1. Emphasis on Quality:
A reliable banner company will give topmost priority to quality. They will take great pains to ensure that their products or services leave no cause for complaints. Every part of the banner will be looked into in detail; the stands will be easy to handle, fabric will last for longer periods, graphics will be clear and smooth etc.

2. Latest Technology:
Adopting the latest and the best techniques in the field is the key to their success. Their organization will have no room for any outdated methods. This ensures their product superiority in the market.

3. Wide Array:
A good banner company has a wide variety to offer to its customers. It is always better to choose a company with a wide range of products as you can then meet your future growing requirements from the same company.

4. Effective Communication:
The company needs to have a great amount of interaction with its customers to get their requirements right and ensure that the final product is in conformity with the requirements. The ability of the company’s staff to communicate effectively is an important criterion here.

5. Customer Service:
High quality customer service is a must for any banner printing company to achieve success in their field. Analyzing the customer requirements and providing quality product within the set deadlines which enable the client to avoid unnecessary work delays is another of their characteristics.

6. Experience:
Greater experience of the company in this field guarantees an enhanced product quality. The company will have better systems in place, trained and expert staff that will be able to consistently provide high quality.

7. Environment Friendly:
A good banner printing company is concerned about its environment. They always go for recyclable and reusable products.

8. Online Banner Printing:
A good company offers online banner printing services. Digital banner printing gives a cutting edge to your banners and makes them more effective in attracting the public attention.

9. Pricing:
Pricing plays an important role in selection of the right banner printing company but it should not form the sole criterion. It is better to avoid cheap flex printing services and instead pay more money to get a better product. You can compare the prices between the several banner printing companies keeping in mind all the other features provided by them.

10. Value worth the money:
A good banner printing company provides banners with high visual appeal, engaging content, persuasive angle and long lasting features. They are an absolute value worth the money.

There are many options open to you while selecting a banner printing company. It is wiser to choose a company which fulfills all the above mentioned features to build lasting relationships and save money and trouble in the future.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

The Power of Printed Brochures

Brochure printing is very essential for your Company / Organization. Even in today’s age of digital technology there is nothing to replace the power of an attractively designed glossy brochure. Printed brochures still form an important tool of every business’ marketing arsenal. Availing brochure printing services enables businesses to put their best foot forward in front of potential customers and make them a part of their loyal following. Attractive and visually appealing billboards catch the attention of every customer who is on the move but there is nothing like an equally appealing brochure which can be viewed at leisure not to mention the ease of getting them made through online brochure printing services.

Know the Power of Printed Brochures

The power of a printed brochure cannot be undermined in any way and the following points just make this statement very clear.

Strengthens First Impressions: Billboards and posters make the first impression on the customer for your product; however, these are strengthened only if they are followed by highly informative and attractive brochures. Brochures help you to tell the full story, give detailed information about the usefulness of your product or service or any other aspect for which they are printed.

Highly Effective for Small Business: Brochure printing for small business serves as a two fold purpose; Firstly it gives information and holds the interest of the potential customer and Secondly does it for a very affordable cost. Startups or small businesses can create visually appealing and equally interesting brochures and yet remain well within their budget.

Convenience: They are more convenient to read and store than advertisements in magazines and newspapers. A slim fold brochure can easily fit into a small purse or even the back-pocket. Besides, the advertisement on the print media has to be really effective to capture the attention of the public amidst the surrounding competitive ads.

Call to Action: Brochures help to get the exclusive attention of potential customers who browse through your products and take the necessary action. However, engaging content supported by appropriate images has to be included to make the brochure an interesting reading material.

Versatility: Brochure is a versatile medium that helps to promote all kinds of products and services at several venues ranging from a commercial office to any promotional event. So, you have brochure printing services for real estate brochure printing, or for printing information about any other business activity. Online brochure printing services can also be availed.


Brochure printing will continue to be an effective part of every businessman’s marketing kit. Many organizations use custom brochure design and printing for better results. Looks count and same is the case of a brochure. It has to be slick and attractive to create a good image of the brand in the minds of the viewer. However, the reputation and experience of the brochure printing service provider will determine the success of this powerful marketing tool. It is only the best of the lot who will be able to tap the power of brochures and use it for the maximum benefit of the business.

Printed Flyers – Cost effective, valuable and to the point

An effective marketing tool is judged on the number of viewers it reaches out to, the manner in which it affects them and the amount of costs incurred in the process. In this sense, printed flyers become the most cost-effective marketing medium and hence all businesses small or big may avail of this affordable flyer printing services. A wide array of printing service providers who offer cheap flyer printing, bulk flyer printing, custom flyer printing, double sided flyer printing and many more are available in the market today. Besides, the online leaflet printing services enable the user to make his leaflet design and printing choice with great ease and convenience.

cheap flyer printing services

What makes Flyers so Popular?

Several reasons exist for the continued popularity of printed flyers. Listed below are some of them:

  1. Cost effective option: Printed flyers are powerful tools which achieve the desired results without needing to spend huge sums of money. As long as you keep the costs of designing and printing under control you can get them done within small budgets.

  1. Small but effective tool: Like they say, ‘good things come in small packages'; flyers are small slips of paper which convey a lot of important information to prospective clients. People normally preserve these slips as they contain the contact details or other brief informative details about the event, product, service or whatsoever it is promoting.

  1. Suitable for small business & start-ups: Small businesses and start-ups do not have large outlays for advertising through other print media such as newspapers and magazines or television commercials. In this context, flyers are the least expensive marketing tool for promoting their business or service.

  1. Greater reach: Flyers are successful in spreading the business information to large sections of people. They can be distributed door to door or handed out at public places like sports grounds, outside educational institutions such as schools and colleges, rallies etc. Bulk flyer printing is very useful in this regard.

Tips to make printed flyers highly effective

  • Let the print be neat and legible so that people don’t have to try hard at reading it.
  • Don’t experiment yourself; instead outsource the designing and printing work.
  • Pay attention to color combination, right gel of text and graphics.
  • Don’t try to fit them into regular standards. Make them creatively unique.


The use of cheap flyer printing services by several businesses over the past many decades and its popularity even in today’s times just goes to show its viability. Before the advent of electronic media, businesses used to reach out to a massive audience through bulk flyer printing. Even in today’s age of digital technology some business entities still make use of the affordable flyer printing services for spreading the word around of their products and services or other promotional events. Printed flyers do still have the capacity of taking the business’ sales to unthought-of levels.