Wednesday 16 March 2016

Tips for the Best Custom Letterhead Printing

Branding plays a vital role in determining the impression and success of a company. Why impression? It is because a well-made branding can leave a long lasting impression than a dull one. And if one gets impressed, it is easy to climb up the stairs of success. A custom made letterhead can make a huge difference in terms of branding and marketing. Letterhead printing India can be made all the more gracious and attractive if it is made to stand out from the rest with the help of designs, texture, colour, images and much more.

The first interaction a customer is likely to have with the company is through an eye-catching letterhead. Wondering what could possibly be the tips to ensure your custom letterhead printing is the best out of all? Check some of the vital tips out here:

Keep the layout simple

  • A simple visual design can work best to portray your company in a good way.
  • Make sure it acts as a supporting structure that is going to deliver the content.
  • Let your letterhead look great that can communicate the business in a narrative manner.

Make it readable

  • Font, size, colour and style are all to be kept in mind while designing a letterhead.
  • Use fonts that are easy to be read and use colours that are bright yet classy.
  • The company name or logo should be visible but at the same time it shouldn’t overshadow any other information like contact details.

Use only vital details

  • Make it a vital point to use the important details of a company like the logo, address, email Id and phone number.
  • You can add a slogan if you want, as slogans instantly grab a customer’s attention.
  • Also don’t forget to mention the company website, so that any potential customer or client can easily reach you.
  • Highlight the main products or services your company is dealing with.

Use the right software

  • Business letterhead printing is best done with Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft Word.
  • Design a special layout for the letterhead with the help of advanced software
  • You can also use heavy graphic software in case of intricate designing.

Maintain hierarchy in your design

  • Use the correct information to communicate with your customers.
  • Include details like who the concerned person is, contact information and return address, etc.
  • Make use of suitable images to attract the customers as well as to help them understand your motto and services.

Maintain proper alignment

  • Decide which size you would like your letterhead to be printed on, the standard size being A4.
  • Maintain margins along the sides and proper positioning. This is very important as these minor details will give a professional impression.
  • The letterhead should have a balanced format comprising of balanced texts and shapes. This gives a professional touch to the letterhead.

Extra tips to make out the best

Using several unique factors can make your letter head out of the crowd of ordinary ones. Here are a few ways how you can make it unique:
  • Creating complete colour letterhead is in trend these days and can do a great help to promote your company.
  • Printing the firm’s name using embossed alphabets on the font type can give it a all new definition.
  • Making use of custom made layouts and various styles of fonts will give a unique and stylish touch to them.
  • Usage of trendy borders or pop up colours in the letter heads is also a good idea to get an exclusive appearance.

Design your custom letterhead as per the suggestion of the best letterhead printing services and make it highly remarkable so that the customers would remember your company for a life time. Remember, the first impression is the last impression. So, keep all the tips mentioned under consideration and make a strong impact on your customer with your exceptional made to order letterhead…

Sunday 13 March 2016

How to Keep the Newsletter Printing Cost Low?

To reach a particular section of people who have similar interests, one can send newsletters that prove to be quite beneficial. While newsletters can be cost effective, the message that it gives out should be powerful enough to impress the target group. When the market was just nascent, this was comparatively easier. But with the growing market, competition arose and situations became tough. So, to be successful in this market, all you need to keep in mind is how to come up with a top quality product for a pocket friendly price. Budget plays an important role and you should know how to reach maximum of your consumers without spending much and at the same time by not compromising on the quality. Here are some of the ways how you can keep the printing cost of your letterhead low:

Understand your printing requirements

  • Thoroughly assess your printing needs and set an estimated range before starting the printing process.
  • Try to check if you could come up with a low cost effective solution for all your printing.
  • It is very important to choose the right type of printer that will suit your printing needs.

Practical ways to keep the printing costs low

  • Save paper by printing on double sides and also by keeping the information to be printed minimum.
  • Employing a 4-color press to print letterheads can turn out to be easier on the pocket as it can actually print in four colours at a time in one go.
  • Do proper market surveys before offering the work to any particular printing company as different newsletter printing services charge different rates. So, it is wise to spot the right one that provides quality services in the most reasonable price.

Alternative ways to make low cost newsletter a success

  • If you want your business to flourish well despite keeping the cost factor low, ensure you have a great story cover. A well attractive headline swaps the attention of customers to the message it holds.
  • Besides headlines, a newsletter can be said to be up to the mark if it follows a varied content policy. This is not just going to flourish the name of your business but can also act as a way to reduce your cost of the paper.
  • Make sure your newsletter carries a call-to-action as people ultimately focus on the way how you present it.
  • The sole purpose of the newsletter is keeping it short and simple yet informative.

Newsletter printing job offers several advantages but you should reconsider the job keeping in mind all the necessary factors.
Choosing the best yet cheapest printing services online India can become the ideal option for you to get desirable letterheads without spending much.

Friday 26 February 2016

Benefits of Catalogue Printing Services

Why catalogue printing has been considered as the best option in marketing irrespective of brick and mortar business or online business? Well! There are plenty of the reasons attributed to catalogue printing. The most pivotal benefit one can find from the marketing catalogue is that you can send shoppers an appropriate catalogue sent to their doorsteps. According to a survey, nearly 170 million consumers go through the catalogue to decide their purchase options. The potential advantages of using well designed catalogue are increasing exponentially. Product marketing, brand image development, creating brand awareness or product awareness is some of the apparent benefits of catalogue printing services.

Product identification: Gone are the days where you need to visit the shop to find out how many varieties are available and running from pillar to post in search of your desired products. Printing services have become an integral part of all business organizations. Catalogues serve the purpose of identification; it makes your search easier and better. Products are classified under various divisions. When you have a list of the products in your hand in the form of well developed format, buyers tend to buy the products as soon as they find out the details and availability.

Recognition at global level: Above all, they are user friendly. Most of them are prepared by focusing the buyers and intended audiences so that the purpose of printing should serve the clients better. However, efficient service is provided by the company in such a way that clients get return for their investment. The internet era enables every business organization to reach global consumers. Globalization brought magnificent benefits along with cut throat competitions to the business world. Corporate world and business organizations are aware of increasing in competition at the global level and they are devising new methods. The fast turnaround time is extremely important. Therefore, there is huge demand for the catalogue printing online. It is one of the rising trends in the marketing strategy adopted by manufacturers, publishers, industrialists and also by the corporate sector.
Here is a list of benefits one can get by using the product catalogues.

  • Real time business is increased by 15% when the seller provids attractive catalogue for their products.
  • Different type’s catalogues are prepared according to the needs of requirements of clients.
  • It is a better marketing tool at a low cost. Cost of inventory is very less compared with any other methods that are used to create product awareness.
  • When products are displayed along with precise and crisp information, buyers stay long enough to find further features and the chances of purchase increases significantly.
  • You can make it from inexpensive to highly expensive graphic rich presentation depending upon the budget.
  • Business identification becomes faster, easier and better with the help of a well designed catalogue.
  • Professional catalogue keeps the reader enticed and the chances of business are enhanced greatly.
  • The added advantage is that the users can make it as rich as possible or they can keep them very simple depending upon their target consumers.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

How to make a flyer stand out?

Printed material is great for advertising a product or marketing the same. Small and handy flyers can make a great visual impact. In the world of marketing anything that influences the mind is considered most important. Flyers are used for advertising the opening of trade fairs, stores, schools, or any new service. They can be slipped inside newspapers and not many people will fail to notice the message they carry.

To make the flyers more saleable and increase their demand as well as effectiveness proper designing, writing, and flyer printing is most important. Some basic principles should be followed while designing one.

• Grab attention:

The flyer should makes use of design, color, and graphics that not just convey the message but also make it attractive enough to prompt anyone to read it. Simplicity in design and concept can make it easy to understand and appreciate.

• Don’t beat about the bush:

A direct message or solution offered is what people look forward to. Make the purpose of the product clear and list its features along with the pros and cons. Use plain English rather than technical jargon.

• Be direct:

Try to get your message across in as few words as possible. Long lines can be terribly boring for most people. Use short sentences and bullet points to catch attention and communicate only the basic essence of the matter. It makes the flyer easy to read and take into your mind only the most essential message.

• Prevent information overload:

Too much information on a single page can be mindboggling, not to mention an eyesore. Just mention the basic time, date and venue and direct customers. This single line can streamline the design and increase appeal.

• Take a friendly approach:

The tone of the cheap flyer printing should be friendly and natural in order to attract the attention of the people. It makes the business approachable and is useful for start-ups.

• Flyers with call to action:

Encouraging the customers to make a call or get registered is finally the purpose of printing and handing out the flyers. Do not forget to include the contact details so that interested people can reach out if they have a query. It helps to build a relation between the advertiser and the prospective client which can convert to a sale later, if not immediately.

• Use of colors:

A brightly colored flyer is attractive but it is best to use not more than three colors while affordable flyer printing. Less color reduces the printing cost and makes the design easy on the eyes.

Bringing all these facets of flyer designing in a single piece of work can make it awesome and more effective. It will also save on the printing cost yet bring in loads of customers.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Why Printing Services Are Essential For Growth of Business

Printing has always been an important part of any business because most of the information and product details create greater impact when they are viewed and held in hand. Even though digital media has occupied a part of the business it cannot completely do away with the print industry. Survey shows that printed media still occupies a significant part of the industry. This is because it offers certain benefits that are unavailable elsewhere.

• Printed matter is tangible:

Newspapers, brochures, or magazines create a deeper impression because they can be held in the hand. They may occupy some space but the comfort of sitting in a relaxed way and perusing through one is simple and extraordinary.

• Greater engagement:

Printed matter can engage a person for a longer time and people tend to read it much faster than an online version of the same.

• More credibility:

Digital matter contains multiple ads and pop ups which can be very distracting to the reader. In printed matter, the advertisements do not present any imminent ads and hence the credibility is greater.
Thus by offering more visibility, credibility and reader engagement printing services have undoubtedly created its own niche in the business world. Over the years the variety in the services offered has also increased and for the interested client the choices are numerous.
• You can opt for different types of printing like color, online printing, wide format, litho, and many more.
• Get better designs and fonts with better service providers.
• With custom printing services, you can get products according to your requirement as well as budget which increase the profitability in your business.

• Brochures

Printing services find use in advertising the products in a business. Therefore you can print brochures in various shapes and sizes with product descriptions. Select the quality of the pages and design according to your budget. A comprehensive one can give the product proper exposure.

• Catalogue

Printed catalogues offer a gist of the products and services offered along with information on discounts. Appropriate pictures and designs help to pack in a lot of information in them.

• Business cards

Visiting cards or business cards are the best tools of branding which is necessary for expanding any business. Well-designed ones can create the right impression and help in business meetings. The printing cost is not much either which is why business cards will not become a thing of the past in the near future.
Printing services have a bright future in the years to come but the service provider should be chosen properly. Quality printing that is delivered within deadline is extremely important. The cost factor should not be undermined and clients should ensure that they get their money’s worth.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

5 Tips for Promotional Calendars Printing

With the year 2015 coming to an end, business firms and companies can make best use of this time by a handy marketing tool- which is printing promotional calendars. It can provide an edge over any other form of advertising strategies, making your brand image visible to customers for 365 days of the year! With more innovations around the corner with the availability of online printing services, one can have this job done through the design of personalized calendar online.

What should be the handy tips one needs to keep in mind while printing calendars to spread one ’s brand image? Here is an overview of these:

  1. Theme
    Firstly one has to decide on the theme of the calendar. The overall layout should be relevant as well as attractive. It should go along with the brand image, while making it pleasant for the customers. Feedback from colleagues can be helpful in this regard. One can accordingly decide the number of pages for the calendar, i.e. it can be one month on each page, or quarterly with 3 months in a page or even a single page calendar with 12 months in a page. However, it is preferred as well as advised that business associates choose a 12 page calendar, which would help to convey their messages in a better way with variety features and not appear monotonous.
  2. Using images properly
    Calendar printing online can provide one the option to customize and make a choice among a range of design features and use high quality images. An online printer can be helpful in this regard in suggesting proper use of images according to the theme and brand. Too many images can create a cluttered appearance; here some advice can be sought from expert online printers.
  3. Brand portfolio
    Since the ultimate motive is to promote one ’s brand, the calendar can be used as a portfolio. So if you are planning calendars printing for 2016, it is the perfect opportunity to showcase your range of products or services you offer. Here the images used in the calendar can be wisely chosen for advertising of your goods and at the same time you can also include upcoming events, offers and sales, which would help in promoting the brand.
  4. Promoting Brand logo
    Every page of the calendar should include the image of brand logo. However, it should not be over the top but subtly and skilfully included in each page of the calendar. Here the online printer can provide many solutions for the perfect design. A catchy message can also be incorporated to match the theme for each month and make it fun and appealing for the customer.
  5. Functionality
    Whatever style or design is adopted for the calendar, it should always be kept in mind that the calendar remains functional while appearing unique. Ultimately it should serve the purpose, which is providing a clear and easy view of the date while providing a pleasant view.

In India, many online printing services have come up recently. So getting your calendar printing in India is easy and hassle free. However, it is best to select your printing service provider after checking quality and service.

Monday 14 December 2015

Top 5 Benefits of printing customised diaries for your company

Companies and business firms have a grand opportunity to reconnect with their clients in the year end by planning to print customized diaries for them.If you are looking forward to promote your brand and presenting it to your clients on a daily basis, then these personalized diaries are one of the best ways to do it. Nowadays, you can get multitude of printing options from online printers and can opt to print diary.

So what are the pros of using diaries as a promotional feature? There are plenty, let us see the top five advantages:

  1. It is useful
    A diary is a useful item. Your customer will use it for the entire year and in the process, be exposed to your brand on a regular basis. Your brand image will be visible to them every time they use the diary for taking down notes, appointments, etc or taking a peek into their scheduled events, holidays and others.
  2. Better customer connection
    The significant part is that the personalised diary is more effective than other promotional advertisements. Printed ads, pamphlets can be disposed and ads on TV can be ignored. For diaries, a person will attend to it since it has a utility and this will help you to connect them with your brand.
  3. Creates a lasting impression
    An aesthetically or creatively designed diary incorporating the theme of your company is great in leaving a lasting impression on the client. After all, the aim of any such strategy is to make a pleasant connection with your customers and showcase your brand. An online printer can provide wide scope to choose a proper design for such purpose. Currently it is easy to print personalized diary online in India with experienced and expert online printing services.
  4. Physical feel and promotes loyalty
    Many among us appreciate tangible forms of brand promotions with a pleasing look and feel.Customised diaries specially serve this purpose. Adding to this, the usefulness of the diaries makes them a valued asset which your customers would keep with themselves and at the same time their loyalty to your company will enhance.
  5. Creates a sense of reward
    Diaries gifted to your customers will make them happy as they will receive it as a reward. Everybody loves receiving free gifts and offers, and gifting diaries to them will definitely please them.

So we can see that it is quite sensible to use customized diaries to boost your company’s publicity and it is also an effective marketing strategy. Expert online printers can leverage your plans to reach out to your clients in the best possible way in this regard. Printing customized diary in India has got easier, faster and better with printers!